

Dolphin (2020)
Elana Hedrych - voice
Mike Irwin - trumpet
Chris Gonzalez - guitar
Lenny Weissman - keyboard, vocal harmonies

Place of Solace, Surrendered, Stella By Starlight, Morning Bell (2016)
Elana Hedrych - voice (lyrics Surrendered)
Greg Dallas - guitar (composition + lyrics Place of Solace, composition Surrendered, arrangement Morning Bell)
Danae Greenfield - piano/keyboard
Ryan Linvill - tenor saxophone
Alex Gasser-Londono - bass
Willis Edmundson - drums

Free Improvisation (2016)
Elana Hedrych - voice
Greg Dallas - guitar
Brandon Wilkins - tenor saxophone
Alex Gasser-Londono - bass
Willis Edmundson - drums

the cry of cicadas by Rahul Nair (2016)
Eygló Höskuldsdóttir Viborg
- Alto I
Elana Hedrych - Alto II
Hannah Crowley - Alto III
Eden Rayz - Cello I
Sean Brennan - Cello II
recorded, mixed, produced by Alex Csak
assisted by
Harry Burr